
Help bring ranked choice voting to Virginia!

Current Roles

Town Hall Team

Can you help us keep track of town halls and public forums for your local elected officials? We can help you prep questions so residents know where they stand on ranked choice voting. (This is helpful whether or not your reps have already said they support RCV!)


Web Developer

Our website is in solid shape, but we have a wishlist of some tweaks and features we’d like to invest in. We’d welcome support from a tech savvy volunteer with Webflow experience to assist in chipping away at those improvements.


Field Educator

A woman and man in a picture frame that says "I'm ready for ranked choice voting"

If you like meeting new people and spreading the word about ranked choice voting, this is the job for you. Field educators help Charlottesville residents learn about RCV at public festivals, markets, and more so that all the City's voters can be ready to rank in June.


Info Session Host

Are you active in a group that would like to learn about ranked choice voting? We'd love to join your next meeting or event to discuss how your members can help bring ranked choice voting to Virginia. You can find examples of upcoming public info sessions on our events page. We're also happy to join events that aren't open to the public.


Election Host

The best way to learn how to do ranked choice is to give it a try on a real-world decision. That’s why we hold practice elections — like Charlottesville City's fun and festive contest to name its downtown holiday tree. If you know a group that would like to give ranked choice voting a try, we'd love to help you set up the ballots with RankedVote and present the results.


Ready To Volunteer?

Sign up here to learn more about volunteer opportunities near you.

an illustration of three people marching and carrying signs that spell R-C-Va